Do you ever notice that the price you pay for gas goes up and down throughout the year? And what is it based on? Well, mostly it’s based on speculation as to what it will cost in the future to replace what gas the oil companies have. As prices go up, their costs go up, and so it is with coffee. Roasters like Batdorf & Bronson have to lock in futures contracts at whatever the current futures prices are, and this is precisely why you should expect to start paying a good bit more for your coffee. Coffee prices are up 91.56% over the past year. Have you seen that 91.56% increase in the price you pay for your coffee, either at your local coffee shop or grocery store? Nope. Should you? Yes.

advert new rules of coffee now available friend and noted Southern Gentleman Jason Dominy weighs in on this important issue over at his blog musings of a coffee ragamuffin.

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