JimSeven’s alarm clock is going off – skrrrk! skrrrk! skrrrrk! ahWOOOOOguh! – and he’s hitting the snooze, sending his blog/twitter/facebook/g+ feeds to the cyber-cryogenic negaverse for an indeterminate number of months.
We’re a little sad, ain’t gonna lie- JimSeven is consistently one of the most thoughtful, interesting coffee blogs on the internet, and we’re big JimSeven podcast fans. But it’s tough to fault James “for needing some time to focus on creating things, achieving more and focusing a little more on the analogue [sic, British] world.” Here’s hoping some fantastic endeavors come out of this much-needed time away – sort of like when Bill Watterson went on sabbatical from Calvin and Hobbes in 1991, and came back with those soaring, marvelous Sunday comic tableaus that became his comic strip’s signature look.
One thing to be sure of, this in no way means a halt on the delicious coffees coming out of the James / Annette Square Mile braintrust. In the meantime, readers of JimSeven.com should feel free to turn their heads here, as we aren’t going anywhere. Our content is, shall we say, rather more esoteric than what you may prefer to read via JimSeven, but the morning alarm blog bell – srkkkk! sreeeeek! skrrrk! skreeeek! – never fails to wake us up.
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