Cuphead, a forthcoming run-and-gun adventure game from Studio MDHR, was previewed at the 2014 Electronic Entertainment Expo back in June. The game features beautiful 1930s style-animation throughout, and stars an anthropomorphic cup and coffee mug.


The game is set to be released in 2015 on the Steam Network and XBOX One. It’s set to be a trilogy, and the geeks over at Kill Screen Daily have some recent info on its development:

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* It’s a game of the classic run and gun style, positioned somewhere between Contra 3 and Gunstar Heroes in terms of the actual design of the levels. Instead of just running right and shooting until you hit the boss, the game is built around just boss battles. The Moldenhauers are obsessed with the minutiae of the genre: animations and exploits and hitboxes.
* These bosses will be accessible via an old-timey, top-down action-RPG-style world map. Imagine an old Zelda game with a 1930s flair, and Link with a cup for his head. There is talk of secrets and side-quests on this world map.
* They’re about 40% done with the game’s art, and, because they design mechanics from art, they’ve got slightly less than that done design-wise. The game got started in 2010. So. Hold tight, is what I’m getting at.

Here’s another teaser video from Studio MDHR:

This only tangentially has something to do with coffee, but hey, Cuphead looks fucking awesome. It’s the first video game starring a coffee mug (at least we’re pretty sure), and isn’t that something? Why wouldn’t we report about this?

Admittedly, no one has clarified whether Cuphead and Mugman are actually coffee cups/mugs. They could theoretically contain anything: holy water, cascara, a splash of Châteauneuf-du-Pape. But no one has said they *aren’t* coffee vessels, either. So we’re just going to assume.


Sorta Related: Like video games and coffee? You’ll probably gag when you take a gander at this coffee mug.

Follow the Cuphead official website for updates.

Pics via Twitter.

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