
Starting this week and running till August 31st, New York City’s cherished, municipally underappreciated specialty coffee mecca Everyman Espresso is opening their hotly awaited Tiki-themed fancy coffee drink pop-up. It’s located at Bikini Bar ( 148 Duane St in Tribeca, Manhattan) and will offer an impressive slate of tropicalia extravaganza coffee creations from 10-6 Monday through Saturday, all for $7. attended their stylish opening party last weekend, and what follows is an exclusive look at the sumptuous drink menu they plan to present to the world.

Coffee can be a hard ingredient to mix with– though in low concentration, it is strong and complex as a set of flavors, and espresso, in particular, has a somewhat disjointed flavor experience that can be exacerbated by dilution and the addition of many other components. At Bikini Bar, Everyman has done the opposite, focusing first and foremost on creating drinks delicious enough to get you downing multiple and leaving high as a kite.

I hope that this is just the first foray into more complex coffee drinks for the Everyman team. For my sake – and yours – let this be the early onset of a “Summer of Sig Drinks”, where delicious and beguiling specialty coffee concoctions help us weather our way through a mid-summer heat that can be proverbially hot as the pot.

Let’s grok the tiki drinks together, shall we?


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1 shot Counter Culture Coffee Honduras Finca El Puente 19g/27g/26s
1 dash Lavender Bitters
1 dash Tiki Bitters
1/4 oz Heavy Simple
Shake, double-strain into a chilled coupe, express lemon



1 shot Counter Culture Coffee Honduras Finca El Puente 19g/27g/26s
1 oz Cherry
1 bar-spoon Lime
Stir, strain into a collins glass over collins ice, top with soda, serve with a straw



5 oz Counter Culture Coffee Ethiopia Banko Gotiti, brewed iced via Aeropress 20g/160g(w)/80g(i)/1:30/0:10/2:30
3/4 oz Peach
1/4 oz Lime
Build over ice in a collins glass, swizzle, garnish with mint, serve with a straw

Queen Mary:


4 oz Counter Culture Coffee Kenya Ndaroini, brewed via iced Aeropress 18g/160g(w)/80g(i)/1:30/0:10/2:30
1 oz QM Tincture (Basil, Hyssop, Mint, Micro Celery)
1 bar-spoon Tomato Jam
Stir, strain into tiki mug over ice, garnish with fennel, serve with a straw.

Original photography by Aaron Frey for More of Mr. Frey’s coffee photography and writing is available via FRSHGRND.

Alex Bernson is a staff writer for