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2024 Halloween Flash Fiction Entry Form

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Accepted file types: .pdf, .doc, or .docx
General Rules
  • Entries must be in English.
  • Entries must be the work of the entrant and must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. This includes any other commercial online form, including blogs or personal websites.
  • The competition is international and welcomes non-US residents.
  • Copyright remains with the author.
  • The closing date for entries is midnight (US time) on October 20, 2024. Winners will be notified by email within 72 hours of the closing date.
  • Winners will be announced via social media and featured on Sprudge’s official website.
  • Entries should be submitted via the entry form as a Microsoft Word Document (.doc or .docx), or PDF (.pdf).
  • There is no entry fee.
  • Our requested word count is 1000 words. The title does not form part of the word count.
  • An honorarium of $100 per winning essay will be issued to three contest winners.
  • Sprudge retains online publishing exclusivity for 3 months following acceptance of winning essays.
  • Sprudge retains print publishing exclusivity for 12 months following acceptance of winning essays.
Contestant Agreement

Past Halloween Stories On Sprudge