Meanwhile, in North Portland, the Alberta Street location of Barista is open again for business. After 4 months of rebuilding and repairs following a truly unfortunate 4th of July fireworks incident, the second location of Billy Wilson’s multi-roaster concept cafe offered a re-opening day menu of Stumptown Costa Rica Villa de los Santos and Heart’s Stereo blend, which in recent months has emerged as the discerning Portlander’s espresso blend of choice.

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The cafe itself is much as we left it last; ox antlers, pheasants, that marvelous in-flight duck in the southeast corner, the sewing table condiment station, that gorgeous display case immediately to your left upon entry…even better was the opening-day cupping of Barefoot Honey Processed Edlyna Guatemala and 3 coffees from Coava: La Guachoca and Santa Sofia from El Salvador, plus Coava’s caps lock DELICIOUS roast of Guatemala San Rafael COE #17. Billy & Co. plan on keeping it local at first, though there’s Ecco Espresso to be found currently at the original Barista location in the Pearl.

Congratulations to Billy, Tyler and the rest of the gang at Barista. May your future be free of freak accidents, curious incidents, and horrendous setbacks. Like both Machiavelli and Makaveli before you, we pour one out as you rise from the ashes.

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