Welcome to On The Menu presented by Oatly. Check out more signature drinks in our On The Menu archive.

When did Pumpkin Spice Lattes become the queen of autumn? When did PSL’s become synonymous with fall leaves, chunky Ugg boots, and knitted scarves? Perhaps it’s time for Pumpkin Spice to reassess their priorities in life. And maybe it’s time we all think about what we really want, and what’s really erased, from the Pumpkin Spice Latte experience. Pie. What’s pumpkin spice but pumpkin pie spice without the pie?


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The team at Watson’s Counter in Seattle is finally putting pie where it belongs: in an elevated seasonal offering that combines the best of their miraculous kitchen and specialty coffee bar. Meet the Watson’s Counter Pumpkin Pie Latte.


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We spoke to James Lim, the visionary behind this wondrous drink and the owner of Watson’s Counter to learn more.

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Tell us about your signature drink!

Pumpkin Pie Latte! As a full restaurant and full cafe we decided to utilize the best of both worlds and go full culinary on the sauce. Everyone had a pumpkin something, but we take it up another notch by basing it on a cohesive flavor profile that’s centered on pumpkin versus a sweet pumpkin thing with a little cinnamon. Its complexity is not to be missed! Like all of our espresso-based drinks, the coffees are designed to shine and the added flavors are the best supporting actors.

Who crafted your signature drink?

James Lim

What unique ingredients does it contain?

100% pumpkin puree, house blend of spices and sugars.

watsons counter on the menu syrup

Is your signature drink served in a particular vessel? How did you make this choice?

Classic latte ceramics

Where is it available?

Our cafe.

How much is it?

$6.10 for 8oz

How long will it be on the menu?


Anything else you’d like to share about the drink?

Our favorite compliment is, “Oh! This is so balanced and not super sweet!”

Thank you!

On The Menu is proudly presented by Oatly. Check out more signature drinks in our On The Menu archive.